85 Chestnut Point Rd.
Perryville, MD. 21903
55+ Water Community
Call Us Today!
New Homes Starting $265,900!

Community Ristrictions
1. Neither owners nor any representative of Chestnut Point Estates, LLC (“CPE”) or Chestnut Point Properties, LLC (CPP”) shall
be responsible to the Residents for damages or destruction of personal property, theft or loss of said property belonging to
Residents. Accidents of any cause to tenants, children, guests or invitees are the sole responsibility of the Residents.
2. Residents and their guests may enjoy the community’s open areas, walking trails, boat ramp, any common docks, beach and
waterfront area at their own risk.
3. Any alterations and/or improvements to home exterior and/or lots (sheds, porches, etc.) must be submitted in writing to
management of CPE. Once submitted, Residents must receive WRlTTEN Pre-approval by management of CPE before any
work/construction commences. Residents must have all necessary County Permits onsite once work is approved by CPE and has started.
4. Residents may use an electric golf cart at their own risk and in a responsible manner as to not cause injury to others or
damage to CPE property. Storage of electric golf cart must be behind privacy gate, built & approved by CPE. Electric Golf
Cart’s must be covered under Residents’ homeowners liability insurance.
5. Telephone numbers, especially emergency numbers, will be supplied to and periodically updated with CPE.
Residents should Call 911 for Non-Emergency & Emergency Calls.
6. Speed limit in the community is 7 MPH.
7. Residents are responsible for the conduct of all guests. NO vehicle of any type will be operated in the community in any
manner that will disturb other residents. There will be NO discharge of firearms, NO BB guns and NO shooting off fireworks in
the community. Residents will not disturb or harass other residents in the community. Eviction procedures will be served to
anyone that disturbs other residents.
8. Repairing or overhauling of vehicles, rendering it inoperable for more than three days, is not permitted. All vehicles must have
current license plates.
9. No Personal clothes lines may be placed on lot.
10. No swimming pools or trampolines will be placed in the community.
11. Grills may be permitted and stored on side deck or patio. Grills must have a non-fade, rip-resistant, fitted grill cover on at all times when not
in use.
12. Residents shall receive 2 keys for mailbox unit located in community mailbox at entrance of CPE. Any lost key that needs to
be replaced should be reported to CPE management. Replacement may result in additional fee (per USPS). Your
cooperation will keep your mail safe and accessible only to you.
13. Sewer line responsibility: If any stoppage develops from the home to the outside clean-out plug, the tenant is responsible.
14. Residents are responsible for helping to keep CPE community clean and disposing all trash in designated community
15. Resident trash cans shall be supplied by CPE for curbside pickup(fee may apply). Trash cans must be kept neat, clean, and
stored on backside of home. Trash cans may be set out at street curb, next to Resident driveway, after 6pm the night before
pick up. Trash cans must be returned to backside of home on the same day as trash pickup. Should trash can need to be
replaced for any reason, Resident agrees to pay for any fees associated with replacement.
16. Quiet hours are between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
17. If Resident has a Pet, their pet must be within CPE allowance: Pet/Pets must be spayed/neutered, well trained, and live inside
Resident’s home. Dogs must be connected to leash/chain if outside and not disruptively bark. Any waste left on CPE property
(including Resident’s lot) must be immediately cleaned up and properly disposed of with waste bag. If Resident has a pet, and
someone complains that said pet has threatened him/her, resident must muzzle and chain/leash the pet when outside the
home. Resident also agrees that CPE shall not be liable for any injury to Persons or Damage on or about the premises
caused by the Pet. Resident agrees to pay for all repairs and for any damages caused to the property that CPE deems
necessary. There are 14 Dog Breeds Considered to be on Insurance Companies List of Dangerous Dogs and are NOT
permitted on the property at any time, they are as follows: Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Cane Corso, Chow Chow, Doberman
Pinscher, German Shepard, Great Dane, Mastiff, Pit Bull, Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Siberian Husky, Staffordshire Terrier, and
Wolf Hybrid (or any mixes of the listed dog breeds).

Our Community manager will be available to answer all of your questions.
Please either email ChestnutPoint@Gmail.com or Call (410) 937-9440